Home > Invertebrates > Sea Anemones > Bunodeopsis globulifera

Updated 3/6/2014

Family Boloceroididae


Bunodeopsis globulifera

Fleming Bay, Key West, 6 feet *

Amoray resort, Key Largo, 3 feet


Common on mangrove roots and turtle grass blades, stinging tentacles extended at night.  Transparent with brown base covered by white-tipped pustules.  Tropical Western Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico.  Bunodeopsis antilliensis is a synonym.

* Federally-funded images via: "Identification and Characterization of Cryptic Fleming Bay Marine Stingers, Special Forces Underwater Operations (SFUWO) at Fleming Bay, FL", PI Angel Yanagihara with UH Diving Safety Program Divers E. Waldrop, G. Stender, Y. Stender, NIH RMATRIX Award U54RR026136 (May -July, 2011).

These results were also presented in a poster "E. Waldrop, G. Stender, Y. Stender, J. Smith, A. Jaferis, K. Kelly and A. Yanagihara, Identification and Characterization of Cryptic Fleming Bay Marine Stingers, Special Forces Underwater Operations (SFUWO) at Fleming Bay, FL, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology John A. Burns School of Medicine, Biomedical Sciences Symposium. University of Hawai’i’. April 18th, 2012"